How Can an ADT Monitored Security System Save Me Money?

Safety shouldn’t come with a high price tag.

How Can an ADT Monitored Security System Save Me Money?

A security system offers a few different opportunities to help you save money, on top of helping provide you peace of mind, which money can’t always buy.

Save on Burglary Losses

If you are the victim of a home invasion, this could cost you a great deal of money for both home repairs and stolen goods. According to a 2005 FBI study, the average losses of a burglary amounts to approximately $1,725. Instead, you could spend the initial upfront cost of installing a home security system and pay the monthly fee for ADT monitoring, which could end up costing much less per year than a burglary might.

Save on Homeowners Insurance

Homeowners insurance is one of the many monthly bills you may have, and it can get expensive. But according to the Insurance Information Institute, a home security system could save you up to 20 percent on your monthly homeowners insurance premium.

Peace of Mind

In addition to the financial benefits, having an ADT monitored security system can also lead to peace of mind. Not only is your home equipped with products that can help deter a burglar, but the ADT monitoring services mean someone is available to help you 24 hours a day. This helps you to not have to worry as much about what happens if a burglary or fire occurs, because a security professional is there watching out for your home.