Take advantage of ADT specials for your home

Experience the protection of world-class services at an affordable price when you shop for ADT special offers.

  • Security at 24/7 Monitoring
  • Customized security system
  • Full smart home capabilities

ADT alarm specials that boost your home monitoring

You no longer have to choose between spending money on an expensive security system or the safety of your home and family. ADT provides reliable protection at a rate that you can comfortably afford.

Choose an ADT special offer that ranges from same-day installation at no extra charge to free doorbell cameras, so you always know who’s at the door. Find your ideal alarm special below so you can keep your loved ones secure.


ADT offers same-day installation

Once you’ve decided to install an ADT monitoring system, you shouldn’t have to wait to feel secure. ADT offers professional, same-day installation with each package at no additional charge. Protect your family today with the watchful monitoring of ADT.

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Theft protection guarantee for you

While a security system can be one of the biggest burglary deterrents, should a break-in occur when your security system is armed, ADT will provide $500§ towards your insurance deductible as part of ADT special offers.

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Look who’s knockin’: Free ADT doorbell camera

Doorbell cameras provide a secure way to see who’s there before you open your door. For a limited time, as part of ADT's security specials, you can get a free doorbell camera* to add to your home monitoring system. Act now and never have a surprise visitor again.


Secure your home & wallet with ADT 6-month guarantee

ADT alarm specials offer reliable home protection that includes a money-back guarantee* that you’ll be satisfied. If ADT cannot resolve your system concerns, ADT will refund the installation and monitoring fees.