Help Protect Your New Jersey Home With ADT Monitored Security

For about $1/day*

ADT in New Jersey gives you Superior Technology

Get the Most Innovative Home Security Equipment

Cell phone with ADT twenty four seven cell guard


24/7 Monitoring Without a Phone Line.

How it works

ADT customer service representatives answering calls

2-Way Voice

Talk Directly to ADT dispatchers through your keypad.

How it works

Graphic of United States with a blue ribbon

Trust Your Home Security to ADT Monitoring in New Jersey

Why trust the security of your home to another provider, when you can get ADT monitoring from an Authorized Provider?You wouldn't.. Over 4 million customers trust ADT monitoring, which has over 140 years of experience.

ADT also has you covered around-the-clock. Your New Jersey home will always have help, thanks to ADT's 6 customer monitoring centers. These centers are all interconnected, so someone is available to help watch out for your home, no matter what.

Learn the Truth about Crime in New Jersey

Annual Crime Rates in New Jersey

It's important to feel safe and secure in your home. The FBI unified crime report goes over some of the crimes that happen in New Jersey, but one that stands out is that there are more than 38,7322 burglaries here every year. Knowing this, you can probably see why New Jersey residents want help from a security system to keep their property safe and secure.

  • Property Crime-183,042 occurences
  • Larceny Theft-44,619 occurences
  • Burglary-38,732 occurences
  • Motor Vehicle Theft-7,537 occurences

Your Chances of Being a Victim of a Home Invasion in New Jersey

Every 14.4 seconds, a home gets broken into somewhere in America. According to data reported by the FBI, your chances of experiencing a break-in this year are about 1 in 143. However, you can decrease your odds to as much as 1 in 429 by getting a monitored security system in New Jersey. Studies have shown that burglars are 3 times less likely3 to break into a home with a security system.

Yearly average cost
of burglaries for New Jersey*:

Burglaries Cost You More Than You May Know

Don't let the cost of a monitoring service deter you from helping protect your home with a security system. A burglary usually is a greater expense than a year of home security monitoring. New Jersey loses an average of $83,600 because of burglaries each year. This means that you stand to lose $2,200 if fall victim to a home invasion, which could potentially cover about 5 years of basic monitoring.

Yearly average cost
of burglaries for New Jersey*:



2. FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 2011

3. Simon Hakim, Temple University, quoted by Elizabeth Chang, An Alarming Trend, The Washington Post, Nov 14, 1999

4. U.S. Department of Justice, 1999