Compare Home Security Systems

In the security industry, it’s a never-ending race to stay ahead. So when considering a provider, who takes home the gold between ADT, Frontpoint, AT&T, or Xfinity?

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Home Security Service Comparison

The safety of your home and loved ones is serious business, so deciding who you entrust that safety to is an important process. After a thorough analysis of several different security providers, including ADT-monitored services, ADT compiled all of its findings into your ultimate home security comparison guide.

There are a lot of features to consider when shopping for a provider, so take a look at the home security comparison chart below to see how each contender stacks up.

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ADTFrontpointAT&T Digital LifeXfinity Home
Customer Support*Ranks among the bestRanks averageRanks averageRanks lower than average
Contract36-month contractNo contract required42–60-month contract24-month contract
Return PolicyADT 6-month money back guarantee**30-day money back guarantee14-day money back guarantee30-day money back guarantee
InstallationProfessional installationDIY installationProfessional installationDIY and professional installation
EquipmentProvides third-party equipmentProvides third-party equipmentProvides in-house equipmentProvides in-house equipment
ThermostatAvailable with advanced packagesAvailable as an add-on to your packageAvailable only with premium packageAvailable as an add-on to your package
TouchscreenDigital touchscreen Command PanelDigital touchscreen Command PanelDigital touchscreen Command PanelDigital touchscreen Command Panel
Years of Industry ExperienceOver 140 years13 years8 years9 years
Monitoring Centers6 monitoring centers nationwide2 monitoring centers nationwide1 monitoring center nationwide6 monitoring centers nationwide
ConnectionLandline, cellular, broadbandCellularBroadbandBroadband with cellular backup
Equipment CostNo additional cost—$850 valueNo additional costRanges from $350–$850Ranges from $360–$600
Moving ServicesYesYesYesYes
Home AutomationComprehensive home automationComprehensive home automationComprehensive home automationComprehensive home automation

ADT Monitoring vs Frontpoint

Frontpoint could be considered the dark horse within the security industry. With a few more years under its belt than AT&T Digital Life and Xfinity Home, Frontpoint garners favorable customer service reviews and offers a more straightforward system than those two providers. But has it had enough time to match the features and capabilities that make ADT the most trusted provider in the nation? Take a look at the details below to find out.

ADT Package PricingFrontpoint Package Pricing
Starts at $27.99/mo.Starts at $44.99/mo.

ADT and Frontpoint plans share several aspects:

  • Daily and environmental safety monitoring included in all plans
  • Good customer service ratings
  • Smart home integration available with Z-wave technology
  • 24/7 professional monitoring

ADT sports several advantages over Frontpoint, starting with in-house monitoring and six monitoring centers that enable much faster response times. Frontpoint outsources to a company called Rapid Response, which only has two monitoring centers across the US.

Though Frontpoint does not require a contract (you can sign up on a month-to-month basis) the company’s packages are more expensive than those of ADT. Frontpoint also only offers a 30-day money back guarantee while ADT offers 6 months—so you’ll have to settle on your Frontpoint plan as quickly as possible.

If you’re looking for the ease of professional installation, Frontpoint does not offer it, while ADT does. In fact, Frontpoint’s do-it-yourself installation process might result in a lot of frustration or improperly installed equipment. So though Frontpoint is a solid system in its own right, the variety of plans ADT offers paired with its refined, advanced technology ultimately win the day.

ADT Monitoring vs AT&T Digital Life

When it comes to high product quality backed by a renowned brand, AT&T and ADT come shoulder-to-shoulder. But does that high standard extend to its security system? AT&T Digital Life is a relative newcomer to the security game, logging eight years in the industry, but has made notable advancements during that time. However, with constantly evolving technology the same could really be said for any security provider—including ADT. So how do they compare? Let’s start with pricing.

ADT Package PricingAT&T Digital Life Package Pricing
Starts at $27.99/mo.Starts at $39.99/mo.

ADT monitoring and AT&T Digital Life do have several important features in common:

  • Systems equipped with advanced technology
  • Comparable monthly package pricing
  • Remote access to system through a mobile app
  • Longer contract duration (ADT requires 36 months, AT&T 42 to 60 months)

Out of the gate, AT&T Digital Life displays several limitations. ADT has a much wider variety of features and devices, with more monitored equipment included in its packages rather than added on as an extra cost. AT&T also has limited service coverage (availability only reaches 15 cities), while ADT-monitored service is nationwide. AT&T’s early termination fee is also well above average, sometimes ringing in at over $600.

As far as AT&T customer service goes, it’s a pretty mixed bag—some customers have reported poor installations and longer call times, while others have reported a more positive experience. One perk AT&T does offer is a free home security evaluation prior to installation, so you know what kind of system is best for you. Overall, AT&T still maintains its status as telecom royalty. But ADT operates on greater industry expertise to deliver a more all-encompassing, cost-effective, and convenient home security service.

ADT Monitoring vs Xfinity Home

When embarking on a quest for the best home security, a company known most for cable TV service likely doesn’t come to mind. But there’s a reason Xfinity has retained its relevance as a telecommunications giant—the company is adaptable and is not afraid to expand its horizons to fields beyond cable. As far as industry experience, Xfinity Home is a relative infant when compared to ADT. The big question: does that affect its overall service, and how does that service hold up against ADT?

ADT Package PricingXfinity Home Package Pricing
Starts at $27.99/mo.Starts at $29.99/mo.

Notable similarities between ADT and Xfinity Home service include:

  • Six monitoring centers spread across the nation
  • Professional installation
  • Complete smart home automation
  • Broadband connectivity

One distinct edge Xfinity Home has over many security providers is the option to bundle your security plan with other Xfinity services, such as TV and internet, which is appealing if you want to save a few bucks. Contracts with Xfinity are also shorter, coming in at 24 months compared to the 36 months ADT requires.

But even if you think you’re getting more bang for your buck with a lower price per month, keep in mind that Xfinity harbors hidden fees and is known to implement sudden price changes—ADT does neither. And its prices vary widely based on your location. Xfinity’s customer service also flirts with a borderline infamous reputation, while ADT is known for customer-driven service and positive reviews. Innovative as the company may be, it’s safe to say that Xfinity Home still has a lot of room to grow within the realm of security.

Why ADT Monitoring is the Right Choice For Your Home Security

There is no substitute for experience, which is why you can trust your ADT-monitored security system to go above and beyond to help protect your home and family. You’ll receive a customized plan that merges your ADT-monitored home security system with the demands of your daily life. And when it comes to cost, what you see is what you get—there are no hidden fees piggybacking off of affordable ADT-monitored package pricing. You can expect transparency, exceptional service, and top quality home security from the moment you sign up for an ADT-monitored plan.

Home with an ADT sign in the front yard

140 Years of Experience

There’s hardly room for debate, even when conducting a home security comparison—ADT has been leading the charge for the better part of a century and a half. That experience has withstood the test of time and accounted for the safety of millions of homes and families across the country. It has also been applied to developing state-of-the-art ADT-monitored systems that use the latest available technology to better combat modern home security threats.

Customer support rep wearing headset

Commitment to Superior Service

Unlike more localized home security providers, ADT has six monitoring centers spread throughout the US, extending service availability nationwide and cutting emergency response times down to an average of just eight minutes.

With 24/7 in-house monitoring, professional support agents are constantly standing by to receive and respond to alerts from your home security system. If an alert is sent, they will connect with you to assess the situation and dispatch local first responders as needed. ADT also provides staff to help you with any technical issues that arise, or to answer any system-related questions.

ADT home security system control device

Advanced, Quality Equipment

Your ADT-monitored security system comes equipped with cutting-edge devices and technology to provide clear camera visuals, intuitive home automation, and a lifeline to help if you need it. You’ll have the flexibility to include cameras, sensors, locks, lights, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, thermostats, and more into your monitoring plan.

The ADT Command panel and Control app work together to perfectly synchronize your home security and automation systems, providing one-touch control over smart lights and locks, thermostats, and cameras. Wireless connectivity also makes your equipment’s operation simple to manage.

Professional installation technicians

Professional Installation

ADT cuts no corners when installing your security system’s software and equipment. Professional technicians will first arrive at your home to install your entire system. They then will perform a walkthrough and in-depth demonstration to ensure that by the time they leave, you’re an expert in your home security too.

Depending on your location, you could even qualify for same-day installation. It’s fast, efficient, and centers completely around your convenience—just like ADT-monitored service.