Security Guide for Home and Property

During the course of an average day, we spend more than half our time at home.
Whether it be sleeping, eating, relaxing, or even preparing to go to work or school, we are spending many hours each week in our home. While we are there, it is important that our time at home is spent wisely and safely. Statistics show that more accidents occur in the home than in any other place, and many of them are due to carelessness.
Because of these frightening statistics, people need to make sure that the home is a safe place for people.
There are many different areas of concern in the home where safety should be a top priority. Some of the areas of concern would be keeping the house safe because of fire, having a safe home for children, storage of hazardous materials, and even proper storage of medicine. All of these areas, as well as others, need to be addressed in order to have a safe place to live.
Other safety issues need to be addressed: keeping the home itself safe from intruders, as well as keeping personal property safe. While there are many areas of concern, it is nearly impossible to discuss all of the potential problem areas on one page. However, we have begun the process by providing a starting point for many safety topics. We hope the following information is helpful to you and your family in keeping your home safe in any situation. Please feel free to share this information with others that you know and spread the word about home safety. This page will be kept as a resource for the foreseeable future, so please feel free to visit it often.
Home Safety
Safety at Home — Useful page that discusses a number of common household dangers and provides information on how to stay safe.
My Safe Home — Web portal with information on a number of topics that are important to homeowners and others.
Household Safety Checklists — Informative page with a number of resources and information on households.
Home Safety — Information on many safety issues that are prevalent in homes and are a concern of homeowners.
Fire Safety
Home Fire Prevention — Useful home fire prevention tips and information to help keep people safe from fires.
Fire Safety — Information in the form of suggestions on how people can keep homes and businesses safe from fire.
Home Fires — Informative government resource that is geared towards keeping homes safe from fires.
Safety Tip Sheets — Helpful page which contains a number of resources and tip sheets on how to be safe at home from fires.
Fire Safety Tips — Web page which lists many helpful tips and resources on fire safety around the home.
Child Safety
Home Safety — Information from the Center for Disease Control which covers many areas of concern for children around the home.
Safety Tips — This helpful article discusses many issues of concern for children's safety around the house.
Infant and Child Safety — Website that touches on a number of useful topics in the area of kid safety at home.
Safety Basics — Useful information that lists some of the basic safety guidelines for kids in and around the house.
Home Childproofing and Safety — Informative site that discusses many topics that parents should be concerned about with safety around the home.
Hazardous Material Safety
Household Hazardous Materials — Information from the federal government about proper methods to store hazardous materials around the house.
Hazardous Materials in the Home — This useful fact sheet deals with the proper ways homeowners should be storing hazardous materials.
Safety and Health — OSHA guidelines on how hazardous substances should be stored around the home.
Medicine Safety
Medicine Safety at Home — This informative article outlines the ways that medicine should be stored at home.
Medicine Safety in the Home — This helpful web page helps homeowners and others learn about the proper storage of medicine in the home.
Medicine Safety (PDF) — Article that provides guidance for people on how to safely store medicines in the home and away from children.
Home Security
Home Security Information — This article which provides advice and tips on how people can be secure around the home.
Security Tips and Tricks — A useful web page provides some easy-to-use information and tactics to keep a home safe.
Personal Property Safety
Personal Property and Safety — Information on how people can be safe around the public and at home.
Property Safety Tips — Useful online resource which contains information and tips on personal property safety.
Safety Tips — Informative article on ways to stay safe from vehicle, property, and other forms of theft.
Senior Citizen Safety
Preventing Home Accidents — This informative article explains how you can help prevent home accidents for senior citizens.
Home Safety for the Elderly — This useful article contains information, tips, and checklists on how the elderly can be safe at home.