Most Burglarized U.S. Cities Per Capita

The heat map displays each state’s most burglarized city from greatest (dark red) to least (light red). [Click to expand]     According to FBI data, over 1.5 million burglaries were reported across the United States in 2015. Hopefully, yours wasn’t among the households burgled that year, but your chances of experiencing a break-in might depend


Self-Monitored Security Systems Not Always Foolproof

In today’s safety-oriented environment, there is no shortage of devices and systems out there to protect your house and belongings. You can go the route of installing your own system and self-monitoring what is going on, or go with a company like ADT that can provide 24/7 monitoring of your system, helping ensure that your


Prevention Starts With The Appearance of Prevention When it Comes to Home Security

Whether or not you actually have a mean dog in your backyard, a sign hanging on your fence that reads “Beware of Dog” can still be effective for keeping people out of your back yard. The perception of home security can often be as good as actual home security, if it’s presented properly. After all,